Sunday, April 27, 2008

Zorses, Zonkies and Zebroids

More images from the not-so-cryptozoological front anymore!




For those of you freaked out by...

creepy Austrian 73 Year old men who lock their daughters in the basement for 24 years and father seven children by them DO NOT READ THIS STORY!!! link I am not sure if I should have read it myself.

The Solway Firth Spaceman

I love this photo. 1964. Read The Story Here

homunculus and zombie research

i've seen a couple television shows recently about the philosopher's stone, turning lead into gold and the golden section. Screw all that stuff about stem cell research and DNA cloning. What I would like to know is what is the white powder that turns people into zombies and has anybody tried to create a homunculus recently?

Here's a great story about a supposedly real zombie in New Orleans. Read it Here. Link.

What is it?!?

Fitz here...Your liger eye in the sky tracking down demented creatures on the internet. Here's the latest news from China's Yichun Jiangxi zoo where apparently a villager (who was not performing DNA restructuring in the basement) captured this seven year old (how do they know how old the creature is?) animal with a pig nose, rabbit eyes and a fox body.

Read more here: